Who is this course for?
This course is for those aiming for excellence and planning to takeup ABRSM Grade 1 Exam.Interactive, friendly and Intensive tuition from a professional pianist. The teacher will ensure that every participant receives advice and attention. Below is the well-planned program details to learn the secret of playing the Piano. The possibilities are endless!
Please Note: You can join HUNARly Courses by following the course’s progression path or you can also contact us to take an assessment for that level to directly enroll for it.
How to enrol to this course?
If you are interested in enrolling to this course?| CLICK HERE
If you have been informed about the availabilty of this course by our team then pls click on ‘BOOK NOW’ button beside the course fee to book for a course.
Click here for an EASY VIDEO GUIDE on how to book a course, get zoom link access and check notes & upload homework.
Please Note: As we do small group lessons so the published dates are tentative and can be slightly moved depending on the enrollments.
Have a look at the Class Glimpse:
Piano ABRSM Grade2 Programme Glimpse1: (concept) :- https://youtu.be/9RpQfYEewVYYoutube Video
Glimpse2 (interaction) :- https://youtu.be/xyoIReFA2uUYoutube Video
Who is this course for?
This course is for those aiming for excellence and planning to takeup ABRSM Grade 1 Exam.Interactive, friendly and Intensive tuition from a professional pianist. The teacher will ensure that every participant receives advice and attention. Below is the well-planned program details to learn the secret of playing the Piano. The possibilities are endless!
Please Note: You can join HUNARly Courses by following the course’s progression path or you can also contact us to take an assessment for that level to directly enroll for it.
Agenda for 16 lessons:
Objective of this program is to teach students the content of ABRSM Grade 1 material.
The ABRSM Grade 1 Exam consists of 4 section:
- Songs: Students are required to play 3 songs – one from List A, List B and List C respectively
- Scales and arpeggios
- Sight Reading – Candidates will be asked to play a short unaccompanied piece of music which they have not seen before. They will be given half a minute to look through and, if they wish, try out all or any part of the test before they are asked to play it for assessment.
- Aural Test – 4 sections in aural test: (a)To clap the pulse of a piece played by the examiner, and to identify whether it is in two time or three time (2) To sing as ‘echoes’ three phrases played by the examiner (c) To identify where a change in pitch occurs during a phrase played by the examiner. (d)To answer a question about two features of the piece played by examiner
Recap of G Major and F Major Scales, together and hands separately
Recap of C Major Contrary Motion scale
Recap of D major arpeggio
A Minor and D Minor Scale together
A major and D Major hands separately
A Major arpeggio
A3: First 2 lines of LH and RH
E Minor hands separately
Recap of A3
B2: First 2 lines of RH and LH
Recap of scales (as required)
G minor hands separately
C2: First page RH and LH
Remaining chromatics and arpeggios
A3: Finish remaining lines RH and LH
B2: Lines 3 and 4 RH and LH
Recap of hands together scales
Recap A3, put first 2 lines together
Recap C2
Recap of hands separately scales
C2: second page first 2 lines RH and LH
B2: finish hands separately and start putting first few bars together
Recap of arpeggios and contrary motion
C2: finish hands separately
Recap A3 and B2
Recap scales hands together
Sight Reading
Finish A3 hands together
Recap chromatics + short aural exercises
Finish B2 together
Put C2 first 2 lines together
Sight reading
Recap B2
Put C2 first page together
Aural + sight reading
Put half of C2 pg 2 together
Recap A3
Aural + scales
Recap B2
Put C2 all together
Sight reading + aural
Recap C2
Scales (as required)
Sight reading + scales
Recap weakest piece (depending on students’ performance)
Recap weakest piece + touching up any last minute details (depending on students’ performance)
Week 17:
Aural exercises/test
Sight reading
Touching up scales
Week 18:
Aural test
Sigh reading
Touching up pieces/scales (depending on students’ preference)
Which Exam this course aims for:
ABRSM Music Grade Exam
Course Progression Path:
Beginners’ programme -> Intermediate Level Programme-> Intensive Practice Course-> ABRSM Initial Grade preparation course. -> Intensive Practice Course -> ABRSM GRADE1 ->Intensive Practice Course
Things you should know before taking the HUNARly classes:
- Every Lesson at HUNARly is great learning, please set a reminder for the dates and timings of the Online Programme so that the child does not miss on the subject. We start our lessons on time, so make sure to join the link a few minutes before the class starts.
- Students code of conduct to be followed during the lessons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF1rRraSHPE&t=30s
- After enrolling to the course, you will get access to ‘Learning Portal’ Tab. You can see the class notes listed, but we recommend the children to practice only what is completed in the class, and not to rush for lessons ahead. The teacher can sometimes go slow or go ahead in the Learning Portal depending on the session’s progress.
- As these are small group lessons, so the course start date or classes during the holidays are tentative and can be slightly moved if more than 70% of participants have requested a change or are not available.
- During the course, if the teacher is not available, then we have the right to arrange a cover teacher or extend the course dates. We handpick the best teachers and do the due diligence for you so that the child’s learning is not discontinued.
- We are only responsible for the teaching of the courses and not the exam registrations. We can guide you upon request but we encourage you to be on top with the dates and submissions so that you do not miss out on important deadlines.
Cancellation policy
Any cancellation requests after payment will be refunded as HUNARly credits only, which means you can use the amount for your next course booking. We recommend you go through the course agenda, teacher profile, course fee, and after that proceed to enroll in the course.
Any queries, contact on whatsapp 07393129963 or you can also email us at info@hunarly.com
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