
Proud to be Accelerated By

Imagine a world where every child’s potential shines!

We’re an online platform on a mission to empower young minds, helping them discover and thrive in their unique talents. With our data-driven SMARTPath individual Learning Plans, resources and live classes by expert tutors, we guarantee a 95% success rate in each child’s enrolled course outcomes, fostering the fun, creativity, confidence, and success they deserve.

Each child in our live classes receives a SMARTPath-tailored plan, generated with advanced technology and guided by our tutors using accelerated Mastery Learning methods to help them achieve their milestones

Our vision is to empower every child to reach their fullest potential through enhanced learning experiences.

Explore Our Courses

The Joy of Embracing and Excelling in your innate Talents





Music & Art Providing a multisensory learning experience, promoting cultural appreciation and enhancing CREATIVITY.


Improved literacy skills empower children to identify and comprehend key concepts in any subject, fostering CONFIDENCE and understanding.


Enhances CRITICAL THINKING, reasoning, pattern recognition, and concentration.

How it Works?

Personalised Roadmaps : You can either take our Assessments to have a detailed report and individualised learning plan OR join our predefined Roadmaps. Both methods help learners to achieve specific learning outcomes and most importantly have fun!

Mega Challenges

ASSESS. LEARN. SUCCEED.  Register to our Mocks, Assessments, Tournaments, Competitions and more.

FREE Sessions

Register to our Free Webinars, Masterclasses, Download Piano recommendations, Top Chess links to play & more.

FREE Talent Check

What’s Your Natural Ability or skill which you can do with ease based on your Personality?

What is the concerning gap to unlock full potential of children?

Despite expressing interest, a significant number of children are facing barriers that hinder their active participation in areas outside the regular academics.

Fill the Gaps of Passionate Learners

High-performing students will excel with just a little push, but what about those who are passionate and curious yet need extra clarity to fill their knowledge gaps? These students often struggle to realize their full potential.

Socio-economic Disparities

There is evidence that wealthier children are more likely to access and utilise co-curricular provision to excel,relative to their less socio-economic advantaged peers

Cookie-cutter Approach

"One-size-fits-all" learning approach delivers uniform instructions without considering individual differences in learning styles, and abilities.

Ambiguity in Goal-Setting

In skill-based pursuits, children may lack clear goals. Weekly lessons are either approached casually or come with significant pressure to compete.

What's included in every course?

Unlock child’s Creativity, Confidence, Critical-thinking skills and most importantly have fun!

Learn from the Experts

Our tutors have profound impact on the young minds. They are someone who have been there and done that themselves. We are a selective marketplace of tutors like Music diploma holders, Chess FIDE Rank players, Top Academic Achievers etc., are handpicked as our tutors. 

Personalised Roadmaps

Courses include regular assessment and data-driven individual learning plans based on each child’s abilities and pace. We provide guidance and support for parents or guardians to help them assist their children effectively.

Exclusive Practice Materials

We provide students with Learning Management System to access our exclusive practice papers, class notes and resources have been meticulously crafted by seasoned examiners, exclusively for HUNARly. 

Why choose us?

Unleashing full potential through co-curricular means that an individual has attained a level of proficiency and understanding that goes beyond basic knowledge. Whether through artistic creations, strategic thinking in chess, or musical abilities, their contributions can have a lasting impact. 

Ensuring Accessibility

We make provisions to guarantee that children from all backgrounds & abilities can participate and access the benefits of engaging in co-curricular activities, eliminating limitations imposed by peer-pressure or socioeconomic disparities. Lessons are supported by top tutors, paths, guidance, and resources.

Individual Learning Plans

At the heart of our learning packs lies a dynamic approach to live classes, each designed to cater to the specific roadmap best suited for the child. Whether embarking on a 12-month plan, a 24-week foundational program, a 16-week intensive course, or a targeted 6-week booster course, our courses ensures that each child receives the individual attention they deserve.

Data-Driven Assessments

A key pillar of our learning platform is the integration of assessments into the individual learning plans. Our regular mocks & competitions are built to challenge students, promoting a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.


Success Rate of Hunarly students


Classes Conduct from Beginners to Exam Prep


Top Tutors handpicked for our Selective Marketplace

Revolutionising the way Students Achieve Proficiency



We are a HYBRID Learning Center. Students get access to Top-Quality Online Live Tutors and also benefit from peer collaborations at our centre. (Online lessons are still ON as normal)


Our Students Results

Frequently Asked Questions

HUNARly offers personalized learning plans tailored for busy families, enabling children to excel in both academics and co-curricular activities through tech-driven assessments and expert guidance.

HUNARly’s tutors are carefully selected, including music diploma holders, Chess FIDE Rank players, and top academic achievers. They have a profound impact on young minds, ensuring mastery in various subjects and skills.

Yes, HUNARly offers free sessions, including webinars, masterclasses, and talent checks to help students discover their natural abilities and skills. These free sessions provide an opportunity to experience what HUNARly has to offer.

You can fill the form at contact us