What is the concerning gap to unlock full potential of children?
Despite expressing interest, a significant number of children are facing barriers that hinder their active participation in areas outside the regular academics.
Fill the Gaps of Passionate Learners
High-performing students will excel with just a little push, but what about those who are passionate and curious yet need extra clarity to fill their knowledge gaps? These students often struggle to realize their full potential.
Socio-economic Disparities
There is evidence that wealthier children are more likely to access and utilise co-curricular provision to excel,relative to their less socio-economic advantaged peers
Cookie-cutter Approach
"One-size-fits-all" learning approach delivers uniform instructions without considering individual differences in learning styles, and abilities.
Ambiguity in Goal-Setting
In skill-based pursuits, children may lack clear goals. Weekly lessons are either approached casually or come with significant pressure to compete.