11+ YR4 Mock Tests + Paper Discussions



COURSE DATES: 6 mocks for 6 weeks(Every Saturday 9AM Mock Test and Paper Discussion on Saturday  12PM)

This is our final leg in preparing the students for success in 11+ exams. You can contact us on whatsapp 07393129963 to check the availability.

Who is this course for? The last part of our 11+ Year 4 Foundation program for the students who will be writing 11+ exams in Sept/Oct 2023. This course consists of 100 mins of online mock test followed by 90 mins of  paper discussion. At each online test we will emulate, as far as reasonably practicable, your child’s most likely experience on the day of the real 11+ tests.  Our 11+ Mock Exam Sessions, include the following features:

  • Two 45 – 50 minute multiple-choice test papers at each sitting
  • A short 15 minute break between the two test papers
  • Individual Sections of the test papers are separately timed
  • A follow-up detailed discussion of the concluded papers every week

Course Progression:  Intensive Concept Building -> Mastery Practice Courses -> Mock Tests Programme.


Below is the 6 WEEK AGENDA 

Week 1

Saturday :Week1 Mock Test(100mins) – Maths(9AM-9.50AM) / Non Verbal Reasoning(10.10AM-11AM )

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)

Week 2

Saturday : Week2 Mock Test(100mins) – English(9AM-9.50AM) / Verbal Reasoning(10.10AM-11AM)

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)

Week 3

Saturday : Week3 Mock Test(100mins) – Maths(9AM-9.50AM) / Non Verbal Reasoning (10.10AM-11AM)

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)

Week 4

Saturday : Week4 Mock Test(100mins) – English(9AM-9.50AM) / Verbal Reasoning (10.10AM-11AM)

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)

Week 5

Saturday :Week5 Mock Test (100mins) – Maths (9AM-9.50AM) / Non-Verbal Reasoning (10.10AM-11AM)

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)

Week 6

Saturday : Week6 Mock Test (100mins) – English (9AM-9.50AM) / Verbal Reasoning Test (10.10AM-11AM)

Saturday : Paper discussion(12PM)


Every Lesson at HUNARly is great learning, please set a reminder for the dates and timings of the Online Programme so that the child does not miss on the subject. We start our lessons on time, so make sure to join the link a few minutes before the class starts. 

Here are a few key things that help to easily acquire knowledge for your child and a few things that delay the learning process:

Under the ‘Curriculum Tab’, you can see the notes listed for 6 lessons, but we recommend the children to practice only what is completed in the class, and not to rush for lessons ahead.

The teacher can sometimes go slow or go ahead in the curriculum depending on the session’s progress. So please practice only what is taught in the class and use the curriculum notes only as a reference to practice.

All the Best for the lessons ahead and enjoy the programme!


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