About 11 plus exam

The 11+ is a selective entrance examination for secondary school, used by both state-funded grammar schools and many private schools to identify the most academically-able children. The exam is taken towards the end of Year 5 or the beginning of Year 6 of primary school. There are four main subjects tested in 11 Plus exams: verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, maths, and English. The combination of the subjects varies across the grammar schools and the layout of the papers and length of examinations also varies across different areas and exam boards.

11 plus online tutoring with HUNARly

Designed to help children be ’11-Plus Ready’, our blended learning programs provide the right balance between digital learning tools and small group, online tuition. We help your child prepare in a positive and encouraging online learning environment. Whether joining in year 4 or 5, we help children develop learning skills for life, practice exam techniques, stay motivated and give parents regular insights and updates on their readiness and suitability for the 11-plus.

Small-Group lessons are great opportunity to learn from each other and also have excellent interaction with the teacher.

—YR5 Course Roadmap—

1. Intensive Mastery Concept Course: Detailed explanation of each topic is covered in this concept mastery course. In the live class, students will learn concepts and work out exercises. Students are assigned weekly 11+ based practice exercises to complete. And tricky questions should be asked and discussed in the next class. This course is suitable for YR5 students between September-Feb.

2. Intensive Exam Questions Practice & Revision Course: Students will do nearly 800-1000 questions in each subject. In the live class, there will be topic revision and paper discussion of solving difficult questions raised by the students. Students are assigned weekly 11+ based practice exercises to complete. And tricky questions should be asked and discussed in the next class. This course is suitable for YR5 students between March-May.

3. Mock tests: Nearly 35-40 Mocks and past papers with Time pressure will be conducted. This course is suitable for YR5 students between June-Mid Sep.

4. Booster Courses: They fill the gaps and bring faster understanding of the subjects. Example: Creative Writing, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension etc.,

—YR4 Course Roadmap—

1. Foundations Mastery Concept Course: Detailed explanation of each topic is covered in this concept mastery course. In the live class, students will learn concepts and work out exercises. Students are assigned weekly 11+ based practice exercises to complete. And tricky questions should be asked and discussed in the next class. 

2. Foundations Exam Questions Practice & Revision Course: Students will do nearly 500-600 questions in each subject. In the live class, there will be topic revision and paper discussion of solving difficult questions raised by the students. Students are assigned weekly 11+ based practice exercises to complete. And tricky questions should be asked and discussed in the next class. 

3. Booster Courses: They fill the gaps and bring faster understanding of the subjects. Example: Creative Writing, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension etc. 

Above is a guidance roadmap. However you can join the courses at anytime during the academic year. Fill enrolment form if interested:  https://hunarly.com/enroll-me-in/