Show session ID Load QuizSave Quiz Welcome to your Hunarly Year 5 Assessment Please do not ask for any help from grownups. If you are stuck, just make a wise guess and move on. There are about 115 questions( Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning) The overall time limit is 90 minutes. You will see a timer( with time left for the exam) at the bottom of the page If you face a tricky question, don't waste time and just move on to next question. Remember there might be some ones ahead Keep a Pencil and Paper handy to work out the answers TIP 1 : Don't spend more than a minute on each Maths question TIP 2: Write down the tricky question numbers on a paper, so that you can revisit them if you have spare time. Student Name Parent's Email address 1. What is the value of the 6 in the decimal 0.264? six hundred six sixty six hundreths sixty hundred six None 2. Write 1983 correct to the nearest hundred 2000 1900 1950 1980 None 3. Round the number 1609.344 to the nearest ten 1610 1609 1609.30 1609.4 None 4. What fraction of the shape is shaded? 3/8 4/8 1/2 5/8 None 5. Ravi has 32 sweets. He eats 24 of them. What fraction of the sweets has he eaten? 3/4 1/4 2/3 1/3 None 6. Write down 45% as a fraction in its lowest terms 3/20 9/20 6/20 4/20 None 7. In her examination, Elizabeth got 16 marks out of 20. What was her mark as a percentage? 80% 75% 60% 85% None 8. What is 40% of 200? 85 80 75 60 None 9. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest of the following numbers: 0.9, 0.17, 0.72, 0.73 0.9 0.17 0.72 0.73 None 10. You are given two number 0.35 and 5/8 . Find the product of these two numbers , write the answer as a fraction in its simplest form. 7/32 7/20 39/40 40/39 None 11. 0.126 is halfway between two numbers. One of the numbers is 0.11. What is the other number? 0.252 0.142 2.126 1.142 None 12. For every three strawberry jellies in a bag of sweets there are four cherry jellies. If a large bag contains 12 strawberry jellies how many cherry jellies are there in the bag? 16 12 20 15 None 13. In a fruit yoghurt weighing 117g, the ratio of weight of fruit to weight of yoghurt is 2:7. Calculate the weight of fruit. 24g 13g 26g None 14. 11 pencils cost £4.95. How much would 7 pencils cost? 3.50 3.20 3.15 4.00 4.15 None 15. A bookshelf holds 28 books. A local library has 87 bookshelves. How many books does the Library have? 2456 2436 2536 2438 None 16. A concert hall has 128 rows of 35 seats.? If the concert hall is 75% full, how many sents are empty? 4480 seats 4490 seats 1120 seats 2220 seats None 17. 17 tickets cost £21.25. They all cost the same. Find the cost of seven tickets. 8.35 8.75 8.65 8.05 None 18. Work out 5.03 x 1000 50300 503 5030 50.3 None 19. What is the answer to 0.2 x 0.03 0.06 0.600 0.006 0.6 6 None 20. What is the least number which can be added to 278 to make a number which is exactly divisible by 13? 23 22 24 32 None 21. Susan has bought 100 sweets to split between 12 party bags. She wishes to put the same number of sweets in each party bag. What is the greatest number of sweets she can put in each party bag? 8 7 9 6 None 22. An oil company is increasing the capacity of its 360ml bottle by 25%. What will be the capacity of the new bottle in litres? 0.36L 0.95L 0.45L 0.55L None 23. Alana has to take 10 millilitres of medicine three times a day. How long would a 180 millilitre bottle last her? 7 days 6 days 5 days 4 days None 24. Find x: when (5x-3)-(4x-5)=12 9 10 11 12 None 25. The sum of two consecutive whole numbers is 91.What is the larger of these two numbers? 45 46 48 36 None 26. Guy is half as old as Gerald, who is three times older than Gill. If the sumof all of their ages is 99, what is Guy's age? 54 14 27 18 None 27. Mrs. Prince wishes to buy each member of her class a photo frame as a present. There are 24 pupils in her class and each photo fram costs £3.75. Find the total cost of all 24 frames £80 £90 £75 £60 None 28. A box of 7 grapefruit costs £3.29, Patrick buys 2 boxes of grapefruit and pays with a £20 note. How much change should he receive? Add description here! 12.47 13.42 12.42 15.42 None 29. A hospital nurse earns 23,080 a year. Work out the annual salary of a consultant who earns four times as much as a nurse. 92322 92320 95760 98230 None 30. Belinda ate 3/5 of a bar of chocolate. 60 grams of chocolate remained. What was the original mass of the chocolate bar? 140gm 150gm 170gm 190gm None 31. Sandy needs 12 pizzas to feed 30 people.How many pizzas will she need to feed 35 people? 12 pizzas 14 pizzas 15 pizzas None 32. How big is angle x in this diagram? 106 degrees 104 degrees 76 degrees 37 degrees None 33. Three vertices of a parallelogram are (-8,-3), (-5, 4) and (3,4). Write down the 4th co-ordinate of the missing vertex (0,-3) (0,3) (1,3) (1,-3) None 34. Find the perimeter of this shape 30 26 24 28 None 35. Which name best describes the following 3D shape? Prism Pyramid Trapezoid None of the above None 36. Find the volume of a cuboid with length 8 cm, width 5 cm and height 6 cm. 240 cm3 230 cm3 220 cm3 210 cm3 None 37. The below diagram is a pentagonal prism , state the number of Edges? 7 15 16 19 None 38. A plane leaves London Airport at 16:30 and takes 5 and 3/4 hours on its journey. At what time does it arrive? 22:15 23:15 22:35 22:45 None 39. Joanne starts her homework at 16:55 and finishes 55 minutes later.At what time does she finish? 17:50 18:50 18:00 18:05 None 40. A programme starts at 9:15pm and ends at 11:06pm.How many minutes did it last? 113 mins 101 mins 110 mins 111 mins None 41. Read the following passage and Answer the below questions Endangered:Black Rhino: Population: More than 5000, Status: Critically EndangeredMountain Gorilla: Population: 880, Status: Critically EndangeredSouth China Tiger: Population: Not identified in the wild, Status: Functionally ExtinctIn the 1950s, there were estimated to be around 4000 of the South China tigers living in the wild. After decreasing rapidly for decades, the Chinese government introduced a hunting ban in 1979 to prevent further decline. However, by 1996 the population was estimated to be just around 50 individuals. Now, as it has not been seen in the wild for more than 25 years, the South China tiger has instead been considered by scientists as ‘functionally extinct’Giant Panda: Population: 1800 in the wild, Status: EndangeredConsiderable efforts have gone into conservation of the giant panda in recent years both in the wild as well as captivity. Although the animals have little in the way of natural predators, they have seen their habitat destroyed by roads, railways and other construction. Pandas play an important role in the bamboo forests where they roam and spread seeds to encourage growth of new plants. In turn, this area remains home to many other animal species that rely on the environment.1. According to the introduction , how many species have now been classified as 'Extinct in the Wild'? 96 61 69 67 None 42. How tall was the dodo bird thought to be? About 11 metre tall About 1.5 metre tall About 11.5 metre tal About 1 metre tal None 43. What other animals does the text list as being now extinct?( Multi select) Passenger Pigeon Mountain Gorilla Black Rhino West African Black Rhino Tasmanian Tiger Giant Panda 44. Look at this sentence: “Some animals, like the bald eagle and the American alligator were once on the brink of extinction but are now known to be recovering.” What is the meaning of the word brink in this sentence? middle centre edge inside None 45. In what year did the Chinese government introduce a hunting ban? 1979 1997 1779 1987 None 46. According to the text, why is this species of tiger considered to be ‘functionally extinct’? 4000 Tigers are currently seen in China Hunting ban made them extinct Tiger has not been seen in the wild for more than 25 years Cannot conclusively get an answer None 47. Find a word which means reducing or getting smaller in number. flourish politely refuse decline rise None 48. Why might it be surprising that the giant panda is endangered?( multi select) The animals have no natural predators Their habitat is destroyed Considerable efforts have gone into conservation. Many animals species rely on the environment to flourish 49. Why are the pandas important for the bamboo forests? ( multi select) They eat bamboo and there by making them extinct There are new predators for them in Bamboo forests They spread seeds They encourage new growth 50. How do pandas living in the wild benefit other animal species( multi select) Other species of animals live in the forest so they need it to keep growing Without the pandas spreading bamboo seeds, the forests would not grow so well and it is the home of the other species. The forest is home to other animal species which rely on the pandas spreading the seeds to encourage new growth. If there are no Pandas then there will be no Bamboo forests None 51. Give two reasons why animals should be saved from extinction. (multi select) Plants and animals can be extremely important for the ecosystem of the Earth Species depend on each other for survival We want to be able to enjoy the beauty of nature. Once a species becomes extinct, it has gone forever. 52. Look at the section called ‘What causes endangerment or extinction?’ The text says: ‘Animal extinction can occur due to natural or human causes.’ Which reason do you think is more likely to be responsible for species becoming extinct in recent years? Natural calamities Human causes Unnatural causes Other animals hunting them None 53. Verbal Reasoning: Which two words can make a new compound word? (hand toe foot) (sun some sum)Eg: Question: (hand life finger) (time print clock)Answer : finger print hand sun toe sun foot some hand some None 54. Verbal Reasoning: Which two words can make a new compound word? (sun moon butter) (pass fly path) sun pass moon path butter fly moon pass None 55. Verbal Reasoning: Which two words can make a new compound word? (eye finger foot) (board patch storm) eye patch finger patch foot board eye storm None 56. Verbal Reasoning: Which two words can make a new compound word? (watch book honey) (mat script dog) honey mat book script watch dog honey script None 57. Verbal Reasoning: Which two words can make a new compound word? (head grand grave) (fish storm yard) grave storm grand fish head yard grave yard None 58. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? The man APRED from over the hilleg: Question: Zain turned the COMER on to complete his homework. 1. pat 2. pet 3. put 4. potAnswer: COMPUTER red pea tea not None 59. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? Amy was excited to launch her own INESS. bus tin net lip None 60. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? You need to CONUE working hard to achieve your goals.. tin net dot kit None 61. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? The post arrived LY on Saturday. ear bar mat arm None 62. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? Everyone waited in POION ready for the show to start. sat not sit tan None 63. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? The scientist gathered EVICE to support their theory. den ten dot sit None 64. Verbal Reasoning: Choose the missing word? The dog ran around the garden FTICALLY. emp ace age ran top None 65. Verbal Reasoning: Find the pair of words which are closest in meaning mean, scary horrible, repulsive repugnant, repulsive scary, repulsive None 66. Verbal Reasoning: Find the pair of words which are closest in meaning round, curved circular, oval oval, cuboid circular, round None 67. Verbal Reasoning: Find the pair of words which are closest in meaning mature, shabby shabby, old archaic, old archaic, ancient None 68. Verbal Reasoning: Find the pair of words which are closest in meaning happy, elated light, sparkling sparkling, elated elated, ecstatic None 69. Verbal Reasoning: Find the pair of words which are closest in meaning scalding, boiling hot, sweating scalding, perspiring perspiring, sweating None 70. Verbal Reasoning: Find the 'Letter' to complete two words fol ____ raweg:Question: clim ___ akeAnswer: bclimb / bake k d m o p None 71. Verbal Reasoning: Find the 'Letter' to complete two words kne ____ alk e t m w p None 72. Verbal Reasoning: Find the 'Letter' to complete two words new ____ tay e d f p s None 73. Verbal Reasoning: Find the 'Letter' to complete two words nam ____ ase e o b c s None 74. Verbal Reasoning: Find the 'Letter' to complete two words bat ____ ead e s n m h None 75. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which figure is the odd one out? a b c d e None 76. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which figure is the odd one out? a b c d e None 77. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which figure is the odd one out? a b c d e None 78. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which figure is the odd one out? a b c d e None 79. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which figure is the odd one out? a b c d e None 80. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which of the five options on the right is the reflection of the figure on the left? Use the mirror line provided. a b c d e None 81. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which of the five options on the right is the reflection of the figure on the left? Use the mirror line provided. a b c d e None 82. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which of the five options on the right is the reflection of the figure on the left? Use the mirror line provided. a b c d e None 83. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which of the five options on the right is the reflection of the figure on the left? Use the mirror line provided. a b c d e None 84. Non Verbal Reasoning: Which of the five options on the right is the reflection of the figure on the left? Use the mirror line provided. a b c d e None 85. Non Verbal Reasoning: In each question there are three figures on the left which are alike in one or more ways. Choose which of the five options on the right is most like the figures on the left. a b c d e None 86. Non Verbal Reasoning: In each question there are three figures on the left which are alike in one or more ways. Choose which of the five options on the right is most like the figures on the left. a b c d e None 87. Non Verbal Reasoning: In each question there are three figures on the left which are alike in one or more ways. Choose which of the five options on the right is most like the figures on the left. a b c d e None 88. Non Verbal Reasoning: In each question there are three figures on the left which are alike in one or more ways. Choose which of the five options on the right is most like the figures on the left. a b c d e None 89. Non Verbal Reasoning: In each question there are three figures on the left which are alike in one or more ways. Choose which of the five options on the right is most like the figures on the left. a b c d e None 90. Non Verbal Reasoning: Look at how the first figure changes to become the second figure. Choose the figure that the third figure will become if it is changed in the same way. a b c d e None 91. Non Verbal Reasoning: Look at how the first figure changes to become the second figure. Choose the figure that the third figure will become if it is changed in the same way. a b c d e None 92. Non Verbal Reasoning: Look at how the first figure changes to become the second figure. Choose the figure that the third figure will become if it is changed in the same way. a b c d e None 93. Non Verbal Reasoning: Look at how the first figure changes to become the second figure. Choose the figure that the third figure will become if it is changed in the same way. a b c d e None 94. Non Verbal Reasoning: Look at how the first figure changes to become the second figure. Choose the figure that the third figure will become if it is changed in the same way. a b c d e None 95. Read the following passage and Answer the below questions Aelfun’s Mystery “So where exactly are we going?” asked Aelfun suspiciously, hesitant to be coaxed out of the vehicle by her unusually skittish father with such mystery lingering in the air. “To the… allotment, my dear,” came the reply - the tone equally as unconvincing as Darnal’s accompanying facial expression. Avoiding all eye contact, Darnal shuffled from one foot to another, looking at the watch that he had forgotten to wear as he awaited Aelfun's exit. She slowed her movements on purpose, enjoying the angst. “See The thing is, Da... When you go to the allotment, you're normally wearing your gardening clothes,” continued Aelfun. And, well, your best shirt isn't normally what you do the gardening in,” she smirked. Darnal unconsciously clutched at the collar of his shirt, loosening its strangling grasp from his neck. Had it suddenly become very warm in the village of Hedgley Willows or was he the only one who thought so? Aelfun enjoyed this game. The further she pushed him with her words, the more Darnal started to squirm. He was hiding something - of that she was certain - but what was it? As Aelfun eyes scoured the area for clues, a colourful balloon discreetly drifting towards the clouds, gave her the solid lead she'd hoped for. 95. What does the word ‘coaxed’ mean? Thrown Persuade Upset Dragged None 96. What does it mean for her father to be ‘unusually skittish’? As upset as normal More nervous than usual More upset than usual As nervous as normal None 97. What is a synonym for hesitant? Certain Prepared Real Uncertain None 98. What is Aelfun’s father’s name? James Da He is not named Darnal None 99. Why was Darnal unconvincing? Option 1: His tone Option 2: His is convincing Option 3: His facial expression Option 4: His voice Options 1 and 4 only Options 3 and 4 only Options 1 and 3 only Options 1, 3 and 4 only None 100. What do you think Darnal shuffling ‘from one foot to another’? Because he is happy Because he is upset Because he is nervous Because he is bored None 101. What does the word ‘angst’ mean? Apprehension Excitement Joy Confusion None 102. Which of the options below best describes Aelfun’s feelings after commenting that Darnal would ‘normally (be) wearing your gardening clothes’? Fear Anger Confusion Sadness None 103. Which technique does the writer use in the phrase ‘the collar of his shirt, loosening its strangling grasp’? Metaphor Contrast Personification Simile None 104. In which century do you think this text was written? 21st 20th 10th 17th None 105. What emotion might Aelfun ‘smirking’ portray? Happiness Smugness Despair Anger None 106. What does it mean for Darnal to think that it has become hotter? The weather has changed He is sad He is ill He is stressed None 107. Which if these synonyms for wiggle appear in the extract? Writhe Twist Squirm Flounder None 108. Which of these words from the extract means ‘carefully’? Strangling Clutched Discreetly Drifted None 109. What is another word for ‘colourful’? Option 1: Vibrant Option 2: Vivid Option 3: Radiant Option 4: Dull Option 1 only Options 1 and 2 only Options 1, 2 and 3 All of the above None 110. Which word best describes the mood of the text? Menacing Melancholic Investigative Joyful None 111. Which type of sentence has the writer used here: ‘Aelfun enjoyed this game’? Declarative Exclamatory Interrogative Imperative None 112. What does it mean for Aelfun’s eyes to have ‘scoured the area for clues’? He ran around looking He searched the area He closed his eyes He imagined the area None 113. What is ‘the game’ that Aelfun enjoys playing? Interrogating Football Swimming Talking None 114. What does Aelfun realise at the end of the extract? Darnal had been joking She was going on holiday It was her surprise party She was going to dinner None You’ve already answered some of the questions! 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