Welcome to your SPaG Kinds of words(Pronoun) 2

Which of the following is a reciprocal pronoun?

Complete the following sentence: ____ hope you understand me.

Complete the following sentence: Jemima, David, and ________ are going to watch the football

Which of the following sentences includes a pronoun?

Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: We like to go swimming every week.

Which of the following words is not an emphatic pronoun?

Which pronoun would not be appropriate to use in the following sentence? Show ______ the money!

Which of the following options is not an interrogative pronoun?

Complete the following sentence: There is an urgent message written on the noticeboard for ______.

Complete the following sentence: Can you pick ____ up after work?

Complete the following sentence: This dog is ______.

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the following sentence: ______ of the hockey team fell and hurt her ankle today.

What does the word ‘they’ refer to in the following sentence? I asked several of the stallholders if they stocked home-made jam, but they didn’t have any.

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the following sentence: I have lost my car keys. Have you seen ______?

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the following sentence: Leanne has to complete her task by 5 o’clock. Could you help ____ ?

Complete the following sentence: Sara and I are going to the supermarket. Would you like to come with ______?

Select the antecedent for the pronoun ‘he’ in the following sentence: Martin bought everyone in the office a muffin; he is a very thoughtful manager.

Complete the following sentence: Sarah, Meg, and Sue were annoyed that _______ had missed the bus

What type of pronoun is the phrase ‘one another’?

What does the pronoun ‘it’ refer to in the following sentence? I went to the new leisure centre and tried out the water slide at the swimming pool, but I didn’t enjoy it.